Meet Greta.
She’s funny.
She’s flawed.
She’s hiding so much behind her big smile she’s forgotten who she is.
But Greta is about to discover that the key to being happy is…being yourself.
Greta Gale has played the part of the funny fat one her entire life, hiding her insecurities behind a big smile. But size doesn’t matter when you can laugh at yourself, right?
Until Greta realises she’s the only one not laughing. And deep down, she’s not sure if she’ll ever laugh again.
But Greta is about to discover that sometimes the best moments in life come when it’s all gone a bit pear-shaped…
Title: My Pear Shaped Life
Author: Carmel Harrington
Published By: Harper Collins
Publication Date: 1st March 2020
Our Review
You know that lovely cosy feeling you get when you kick off your shoes at the end of the day and curl up with a hot drink and a bar of chocolate to watch a Christmas movie? Well that's exactly how I felt when I finished reading this book. I absolutely loved it.
I saw Carmel being interviewed by the fabulous Kim Nash and was completely struck by how bubbly she was and I immediately pre-ordered the book just from the conversation. I'm so glad I did because her bubbly personality really comes through in the writing.
Greta was a girl after my own heart, she was lovely but couldn't see herself how other people saw her. She was from an athletic family which made her feel like the odd one out because she was the curvy one. Sometimes her dad was a bit hard on her but there is no doubt that her family loved her, they just didn't really understand her. Unfortunately Greta found herself with a serious problem and her life spiralled out of control. During her recovery, her uncle, with whom she has always had a special bond, came up with the perfect solution. A road trip across America to see her favourite life coach quickly ensues and Greta has the time of her life. Whilst travelling she learns quite a lot about herself and helps her uncle with a journey that he has found himself on too. I loved hearing about the unusual places they travelled to and the connections to Greta's family's favourite film.
Greta's journey opened her eyes to so many things but the most important one was that she was worthy, her story was told with sadness and heartbreak but lots of humour too that made me laugh out loud. The book is really fast paced as we are carried along on Greta's life changing trip which is made even more fun when a couple of other characters tag along.
I really enjoyed the close relationship that Greta had with her uncle and the fact that when no one else understood her, he always did and he believed in her from beginning to end, even when she didn't believe in herself.
Funny, captivating and uplifting throughout.
Book Angelx
About the Author

Carmel loves hearing from readers, so please feel free to connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, @HappyMrsH. You can sign up for Carmel’s newsletter on her website or join The Carmel Harrington Reading Room on Facebook, where readers discuss their favourite reads and take part in bookish challenges.
Carmel is represented by Rowan Lawton of The Soho Agency, London.
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