In late 1983, a letter arrives from Italy, containing secrets so unthinkable that it is hidden away, apparently forever. More than three decades later, it is found . . . by the last person who was ever supposed to see it.
When Allie opens an envelope in her grandmother’s house, it changes everything she knows about her family - and herself.
With the truth liable to hurt those she loves most, she hires a private detective to find out what happened to her late mother in the summer before Allie was born. Taking leave from her job as a research scientist, she is led to the sun-drenched shores of Lake Garda, accompanied by her best friend Ed.
But the secrets that emerge go far beyond anything they were expecting. Now, Allie must find the courage to confront her family’s tangled past and reshape her own future.
Title: Messy, Wonderful Us
Author: Catherine Isaac
Published By: Simon & Schuster
Publication Date: 28th November 2019
Our Review
As with Catherine’s previous book You, Me, Everything, this book was filled with emotional upheaval and heartbreak.
At one point I felt I knew what was coming because of the clues that were laid out in the writing but then BAM! In an instant my pre conceived ideas were turned on their head and I was completely shocked. The author exposes a subject that is still quite taboo but handles it sensitively.
Allie has discovered some disturbing information about her past and nobody will give her answers to the questions this has raised. She has no choice but to travel to Italy in search of the truth. She confides in her best friend Ed and he decides to accompany her on the trip. Then she discovers that Ed has been keeping secrets too.
The writing was just beautiful, I felt as though I were traveling round Italy with them and when Ed finally opens up to Ellie it broke my heart and I could feel how badly it affected Ellie too.
I loved Ellie and Ed and really rooted for them throughout. I found the ending heartbreaking and one of the characters made me so angry, namely Ed’s wife, and just when I thought I couldn’t hate her any more she proved me wrong.
I can’t really gush enough about this book because I loved it so much. It touches on hard hitting subjects, was intriguing and gripping throughout and took me on a beautiful journey to sunny climes.
The writing is intelligent and the story heartbreaking but uplifting. I think it deserves a book of the year title. This story would be amazing on the big screen and would certainly rival Me, Before You.
I simply cannot wait for Catherine’s next book to be out.
Book Angel x
About the Author

It was my agent who suggested I should change my name to 'Catherine Isaac' but, after building up a lovely, loyal following in the UK, I don't mind admitting that the idea gave me a few sleepless nights.
In the event ‘You Me Everything’ became by far my biggest writing success to date: it’s been translated into 24 languages, won the Popular Romantic Fiction award at the RoNAs and a movie is in development by Lionsgate and Temple Hill. My next book, ‘Messy, Wonderful Us’ will be published in the UK in November 2019 in hardback and ebook, while the paperback is out in March 2020.
The novels I now write are about family secrets, exploring some difficult themes but with compassion and humour. I love hearing from anyone who’s read them, so please do write an Amazon review if you’re so inclined - or get in touch with me direct, on Twitter @CatherineIsaac_ , Facebook @Catherineisaacauthor, or Instagram @catherineisaacauthor
You’ll find those accounts full of book news, but lots about my gang too - me, my husband Mark, our three boys and dog Maisie.
I still live in Liverpool, where I started my writing career as a trainee news reporter on the Liverpool Echo back in the late 1990s, a time when life-long friendships were forged over deadlines and quite a lot of beer. These days, as well as my writing, I also love running, walking in the Lake District and baking cakes of variable quality.
Best wishes