Thursday 27 July 2017

Extract from The Forgotten Family of Liverpool by Pam Howes

It’s 1951 and rationing is finally coming to an end. But while Liverpool is recovering from the ferocity of war, a family is about to be torn apart…

Dora Rodgers is adjusting to a new life in Liverpool with her young daughters Carol and Jackie. After the fear of the war years and a difficult break up with her husband Joe, Dora is finally building a future with her children.

But then an unexpected knock at the door rips her family in two.

To Dora’s horror, Carol is taken away by a welfare officer to live with Joe. She is determined to fight for her child, but when a tragic accident leaves her mother in hospital, and shocking news from Joe breaks her heart again, she struggles to cope.

With her family in pieces and her marriage over for good, will Dora ever manage to get her daughter Carol home where she belongs?

The Forgotten Family of Liverpool is a brave and tear-jerking story of one woman’s quest to protect her family. Perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries, Annie Murray and Kitty Neale.

Title: The Forgotten Family of Liverpool
Author: Pam Howes
Published By:  Bookouture
Publication Date: 26th July 2017
Links: UK:  Amazon   US:  Amazon

We are delighted to be able to share an extract of the book with you today.

The Forgotten Family of Liverpool 

Chapter One
Kirkby, Liverpool, June 1952
Dora Rodgers looped her long blonde hair behind her ears, banged on the kitchen window and wagged a warning finger. Her daughters were squabbling over the doll’s pram again, with five-year-old Carol hanging onto the handle for dear life, while two-year-old Jackie screamed at the top of her voice. She turned back to the washing. It was over a year since her husband Joe’s departure from the marital home, following a breakdown in their relationship, which had seen dressmaker Dora sink to the depths of despair. She had since found within herself a grim determination to prove that she didn’t need him and could care for their daughters on her own. Sometimes though, like today, when she had housework and the washing to see to, as well as a skirt and blouse to finish making for one of her customers, it all felt too much to cope with. It was all right for Joe, living the life of a single man, apart from when he took the kids out for the day. He only had himself to think about. 
She folded the dry towels she’d brought in from the line and laid them on the table, then picked up the basket of washing she’d just put through the mangle. One day, when she was better off, she’d treat herself to a new washing machine with an electric mangle on top, like the one her pal Agnes had. Agnes said it made washdays a doddle. Joe had told her he’d get her one, but she’d refused and said she’d buy one herself when she could afford it. Mam said she was cutting her nose off to spite her face and to let Joe pay for it. But Dora was stubborn, and she was already living in the house Joe had got through his job at the Royal Ordnance Factory; she didn’t want to take anything else from him. 
She went out into the garden and dropped the basket onto the small lawn. Jackie hurled herself at her legs, crying. Carol, looking smug, was pushing the doll’s pram up the path towards the shed.
‘Carol, share. Let Jackie have a turn, there’s a good girl,’ Dora said, giving her youngest a comforting hug. But Carol chose to ignore her. Dora put Jackie down and went to stand in front of Carol, who scowled and rammed the pram hard into her legs, laddering a stocking. ‘Ouch,’ Dora cried, jumping backwards. ‘Right, you naughty little madam; go to your room, this minute.’ 
Carol let out a howl and stomped indoors, her plaits bouncing on her shoulders. Jackie gave a delighted squeal and ran to grab the pram. Dora watched as she pushed it up the path, her earlier tears forgotten. She turned back to pegging out her washing. Mam would be arriving soon. Maybe she’d take Carol to the shops with her. She was hard work that one, always had been, although now and again, when the fancy took her, she could be a proper little angel. 
Jackie soon lost interest in the pram, just as Dora expected she would, and picked up some clothes pegs to hand to her mother. ‘You’re a little monkey, you are,’ Dora said. ‘You didn’t really want that pram at all.’ Jackie giggled and ran off with a handful of pegs. ‘Bring them back here or you can go and sit in the bedroom as well.’ 
‘Are they playing you up, gel?’ a voice called from a couple of gardens further along. 
Dora looked up and saw her neighbour Dolly hanging over the fence. ‘Just a bit,’ she called back. ‘Though no more than usual.’
‘Not too long now before Carol starts school. Then you’ll have more time to relax with just your Jackie to see to. I miss our Alice, but I love the peace and quiet now she’s at school all day. I’ll pop down for a cuppa when I’ve finished hanging this lot out.’
‘Okay.’ Dora nodded, and rolled her eyes as she turned her back on Dolly. That’d be half the morning gone before she got rid of her, no doubt. Although her neighbour was kind and helped her out with the children, she could talk the hind legs off a donkey once she got going. Dora pegged the final tea towel on the line and went back inside to put the kettle on. As she spooned tea into the pot she heard the front door opening.
‘Only me, chuck,’ a voice called from the hallway. 
‘I’m in the kitchen, Mam,’ Dora called back. ‘Just about to make a brew. Dolly’s popping round in a minute.’
‘Oh, okay, well I’ll nip to the shops while the pair of you have a gossip. Where’s our Carol?’ she asked, peering out of the back door and seeing only Jackie playing in the garden.
Dora jerked a thumb towards the second bedroom door. ‘Been a right naughty girl, look.’ She lifted her leg with the laddered stocking and a red mark where the metal pram had hit her. 
Mam frowned. ‘That’ll bruise; you need arnica on it. I’ll get some from the chemist, and I’ll take Carol to the shops with me. We’ll have a bit of dinner in the café and then I’ll take her to the library. It’s story time this afternoon, she’ll enjoy that. Give you a break while Jackie has her nap.’ 
‘Thanks, Mam, I was really hoping you’d suggest something like that,’ Dora said. As the kettle whistled on the gas hob, Dolly knocked and walked in the front door. 
‘Have a seat, Dolly, while I see to Carol,’ Dora said. She went into the bedroom where Carol was sprawled on the bed, her lips pouting and her cheeks red and tear-stained.
‘Sowwy, Mammy,’ she sobbed, holding her arms out. 
Dora gave her a hug and lifted her off the bed. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at her daughter’s woebegone expression. Carol was so like Joe with her soft brown hair and big hazel eyes, while blonde-haired, blue-eyed Jackie was Dora’s double. ‘Right, monkey; let’s have no more being naughty and I’ll let you go shopping with Granny. Okay?’
Carol nodded and wiped her snotty nose on her cardigan sleeve.
Dora sighed and led her contrite daughter into the bathroom, where she washed her face and brushed her hair. ‘Now no messing about, and make sure you hold Granny’s hand, or else.’ She lowered her voice as they left the bathroom. ‘Daddy’s coming for tea tonight, and he’ll want to know that you’ve been a good girl for me. All right?’ 
Carol nodded again and ran into the sitting room where her granny was talking to Dolly. 
‘Come on then, Carol,’ Granny said, giving her granddaughter a hug. ‘Have you made a list, Dora?’ 
‘It’s on the table, with some money. I only want sausages, spuds and custard powder.
‘Okay, chuck, we’ll see you in a bit.’
Dora closed the front door behind them and went to pour the tea. She handed Dolly a well-sugared mug, thanking God that sugar rationing was over. She offered her a ginger snap and sat down next to her on the sofa. 
Dolly took two biscuits and put her mug down on the coffee table. ‘So, Joe’s coming for tea, is he?’ She tucked a straying red curl back under her turban.
Dora looked at her in surprise. ‘How do you know that?’
‘I heard you telling Carol.’
‘Oh.’ Dora took a sip from her mug. God, the woman had ears like a bat. She’d spoken to Carol in a low voice, or thought she had. ‘Yes, he’s coming to see the girls. He didn’t see them on Sunday because the band was playing out of town at an afternoon garden party.’
Dolly pursed her lips. ‘Was shewith him?’
‘I’ve no idea. I didn’t ask. I’m not interested even if she was. He can do what he likes now we’re separated.’ She being Ivy Bennett, who managed the canteen at the Royal Ordnance Factory where Joe worked, and with whom he’d had a brief relationship when Dora had suffered depression after Jackie’s birth. 
‘She’s got a lot to answer for, that one.’
‘Yes, so you keep telling me, Dolly. But that’s Joe’s business now, not mine.’
After seeing Dolly out, Dora gave Jackie her dinner and then settled her for an afternoon nap. She switched on the wireless to listen to the latest episode of Mrs Dale’s Diary and sat down on the sofa with her sewing. Her little dressmaking business was making just enough to keep her going, along with the money Joe handed over each weekend. It was her ambition to earn enough eventually that she could tell him she didn’t want or need his contribution, but for now she had no choice but to let him help her out. As the theme tune for the end of Mrs Dale filled the room, Dora jumped to her feet and switched off the wireless. 
She glanced at the mantel clock. Her mam and Carol would be back soon with the shopping and then she could start preparing tonight’s tea. It was not something she was particularly looking forward to. It still hurt her to see Joe; the overwhelming feeling of having been betrayed at a time when she was most vulnerable was still painful. She could never trust him again, no matter how much he told her he loved her and begged for her forgiveness. 
She frowned as someone rapped loudly on the front door, interrupting her thoughts. Who the devil could this be? They’d wake the dead banging like that, never mind her sleeping daughter. She swung the door open and stared open-mouthed at the three men standing on the path. 
One of them, a bespectacled middle-aged man, carried a briefcase and was flanked by two uniformed police officers. 
‘Can I help you?’ Dora’s stomach turned over. The last time a police officer knocked on her door had been the day of Joanie’s death. Joanie, her best friend, business partner and her brother Frank’s late wife, had died over four years ago in a fire at Palmer’s factory where they’d both worked since leaving school. Dora caught her breath and grabbed hold of the doorframe for support.
‘Mrs Rodgers?’ the man in the suit asked. 
‘Yes.’ She nodded, feeling sick. The solemn faces of the officers led her to expect bad news. ‘What’s happened? Is it my brother? Has he had an accident?’ Frank worked at the docks and was always telling her about the men who got injured on board ships and at the dockside. It was often a dangerous place to work.
‘May we come inside?’ the man asked.
‘Er, yes, of course.’ She held the door wide, conscious of the curious stares from passing neighbours. Thankfully Dolly wasn’t around or she’d be pushing past the men to get a front row seat. ‘Follow me.’ Her legs wobbling, she led them into the sitting room and gestured to the sofa and chairs. ‘Please, sit down.’ The officers remained standing behind the sofa. Dora perched herself on the chair under the window and laced her shaking hands together on her knees. ‘What’s happened?’ she repeated. ‘Has someone been injured?’
The man in the suit looked at her over the top of his glasses from his seat on the sofa, as though weighing her up, before he spoke. ‘Im Mr Oliver, from the Department for Childrens Welfare,’ he announced. ‘You have two children, Mrs Rodgers?’ He glanced at a sheaf of papers he’d removed from his briefcase. ‘Carol and Jacqueline?’
‘Yes, oh my God. Has there been an accident? Carol went out with my mam a while ago, but Jackie’s having a nap in the bedroom. Is Carol okay, and my mam?’
‘As far as I know, your mother is fine, as is Carol. However, on her return home, I have an order here to remove Carol from your care and place her in the custody of her father, Mr Joseph Rodgers.’
‘What?’ Dora’s hands flew to her mouth. ‘There must be some mistake. Why would you do that?’
‘Mr Rodgers is on his way here, we contacted him at work.’ The man ignored her questions. ‘We are acting on information we received, and subsequent investigations, that lead us to believe that Carol’s general welfare is being neglected due to you being unable to cope with looking after her as well as your other daughter following the breakdown of your marriage and the fragility of your own mental state. Therefore, for her own safety, we are removing Carol from your care with immediate effect.’
Dora felt the room spinning. The next thing she was aware of was one of the officers lifting her up from the carpet; she’d passed out and fallen from the chair. 
The other officer answered the door as she regained consciousness. Joe walked in wearing his work overalls and boots. The room stopped spinning and Dora screamed at him for an explanation, but she saw he looked as confused as she felt. 
He shook his head. ‘I’ve no idea what’s going on. I got a call at work from the police to make my way here. What the hell has happened?’
The man explained the reason for his visit to Joe and handed him a form to sign.
‘This is ridiculous!’ Joe shouted, waving the sheet of paper away. ‘I’m signing nothing. Carol is well looked after by Dora. I saw her last week and she was fine, both my daughters were, in fact. Which idiot told you she’s being neglected? You need to get your facts right, mate, and go after them, not my wife. How am I supposed to look after Carol on my own anyway? I work, it’s impossible.’ 
‘I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to disclose who made the complaint. But following investigations, I do have the right to remove Carol from her mother’s home to ensure her safety. We have reports of Carol’s behaviour deteriorating due to her mother’s neglect. If you can’t look after her, Mr Rodgers, then I’m afraid I will have no alternative but to take her into care. This could result in her being placed in a children’s home or foster care and subsequently put up for adoption.’ The man spoke parrot-like, as though reading from a script, with no compassion in his voice at all. 
‘Now hang on a minute—’ Joe began as the front door opened and Carol ran in, accompanied by Dora’s mam.
‘Daddy,’ Carol squealed and launched herself at Joe’s legs. He picked her up and held her tight. 
‘Over my dead body,’ he muttered. ‘I’ll find a way.’
‘What’s going on?’ Mam stared at all the people crammed into the small sitting room. 
Joe told her to sit down and took Carol into her bedroom to play. ‘Stay there, sweetheart, while me and Mammy talk with Granny. Try not to wake Jackie up.’
As he came back into the room Dora looked at him, unable to speak. She shook her head and her eyes filled with angry tears as she heard him quietly telling her mam what was going on. Who could possibly have reported her to the welfare? She didn’t think she had any enemies, other than Ivy Bennett, and even she wouldn’t stoop this low… would she? 
Mam burst into tears. ‘I’ve never heard anything so daft in my whole life,’ she shouted at Mr Oliver. ‘My Dora’s a good mother. Her children are both looked after very well. There must be some mistake.’
The police officers shuffled their feet, looking uncomfortable. One of them moved forward to pat Dora’s mam on the arm but she shook him off. 
‘Don’t just stand there, do something,’ she demanded. ‘And you need to get the doctor out, Joe. He’ll tell them our Dora is capable of looking after her daughters and that Carol’s safe and well.’ 
‘I’m afraid the doctor won’t be able to help you here.’ Mr Oliver tried to regain control of the situation. ‘Mr Rodgers, if you would like to get your daughter and anything you need to take with you. We’ll accompany you to your car.’
Joe shrugged helplessly and looked at Dora. ‘There’s nothing I can do. I should probably take Carol and get to the bottom of this. I’ll bring her home later once it’s all sorted out.’
‘That won’t be possible, I’m afraid,’ Mr Oliver said. ‘There is nothing further to sort out. Mrs Rodgers is to have no more contact with Carol, certainly for the foreseeable future.’ With that he repacked his briefcase and got to his feet. ‘If you’d like to get your daughter…’ he repeated.
Dora screamed that he couldn’t do this. She pulled on his arm but he shook her off and looked at the police officers. ‘Mrs Rodgers, don’t make matters worse for yourself. I can have you arrested for assault if you persist in obstructing me in my course of duty.’ 
Dora dropped to her knees, crying, the man’s words ringing in her ears. 

Book Angel x

About the Author

Pam is a retired interior designer, mum to three daughters, grandma to seven assorted grandchildren and roadie to her musician partner.
The inspiration for Pam’s first novel came from her teenage years, working in a record store, and hanging around with musicians who frequented the business. The first novel evolved into a series about a fictional band The Raiders. She is a fan of sixties music and it’s this love that compelled her to begin writing.

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Tuesday 18 July 2017

The RNA conference 2017

Back row- Milly, Lynda, Me
Front Row- Chrissie and Debbie
Ever since I joined the RNA NWS I've been hearing about the wonderful conferences that are held annually, so this year I decided to go with some friends. unfortunately they couldn't make it for various reason (sending love to them x) so feeling a little apprehensive I decided that maybe I should just wait until next year.
However my author friends and the friends who couldn't make it all encouraged me to go. Even my hubby encouraged me to go and it was our wedding anniversary, so I popped one of my anniversary roses in my suitcase and off I went up to Harper Adams University in Shropshire and I must admit my hand was held every step of the way.
My anniversary rose
My room
The first contact was Immi Howson who is the NWS co-ordinator, I had left it quite late to get in touch with her, in fact it was only a month before the conference, I wasn't even sure if they'd still be able to fit me in but of course they could. She then shared my email with Jan jones who told me that she had been very nervous for her first one but she loved it so much that she now organises it. I was then contacted by Kate Thomson who looks after the first timers, she kindly invited us to a welcome party in her kitchen on the first night and encouraged us to say a little about ourselves via the group email and when I mentioned what time I was arriving at Stafford station I was contacted by a lovely lady called Suzanne who suggested we shared a taxi.

We arrived at Harper Adams Uni and went to collect our keys, because I've been blogging for a couple of years I've got to know so many wonderful authors and I began to see people I recognised immediately. Lovely Carrie Elks and some of the Romaniacs were in reception and they gave a lovely warm welcome and checked we were okay, then we needed to collect a huge goody bag and a lanyard with a badge with our names on, first timers had a sparkly flower on so that other delegates could be especially kind to them.

On the way to our room we bumped into gorgeous Heidi Swain and Jenni Keer so there were lots more hugs, there were approximately 8 en-suite rooms in our flat and we had a shared kitchen. I then saw the fabulous Milly Johnson who along with Heidi had also encouraged me to come so yet more hugs there. By this time I'm feeling extremely welcomed and was able to relax and enjoy the next few days in wonderful company.
Me with Heidi and Milly x

All of the lectures were over in the Weston building and there was such a vast range of sessions and lectures to choose from. We had been invited to pre-book 1-1's with various industry professionals but I thought I would leave that until next time.

After a quick cup of tea the rest of the weekend passed in a whirlwind of information and fun, the best thing was that I was so interested in all of the lectures. I couldn't possibly list all of the sessions that were available so I will just pick out a few of my highlights.

Felicity Trew started with the role of an agent and how to write the perfect submissions letter, it was both funny and shocking to hear some of the examples she had used which had been based on some real submissions she'd had and the session was really enjoyable and informative.

Next was a welcome session by Nicola Cornick (Chair) and Jan Jones, tjey were a wonderful duo who obviously really believe in the RNA and seem to love what they do. They also finished off the Sunday morning with a closing session where they were joined by President of the RNA Katie Fforde who drew the raffle to win a fabulous quilt which was made in honour of the late Carole Blake, this was won by Brigid Coady who was delighted.
Katie Fforde, Jan Jones and Nicola Cornick

On the Saturday, Immi had a session to welcome all those on the NWS which was lovely, she was joined by Alison May (Chair) and John Jackson who has just graduated to full member of the RNA as his book is being published.
Immi on the left with the mic in a different
session with Nicola Cornick & Alison May

John Jackson looking dapper at
the Gala dinner, he's usually on the
other side of the camera

Alison May and Bella Osborne were very entertaining as they debated over plotter vs pantser, we had to then answer five questions and it seems that I'm a bit of both which I was very happy with.

We had literary royalty present at the conference with Katie Fforde, Jill Mansell and Milly Johnson.
It was fascinating to listen to Jill telling us about her writing life as she was being interviewed by Kate Johnson. How amazing that she's now written thirty books.
Me with Jill Mansell
Kate Johnson interviewing Jill
Milly Johnson and Jill Mansell

Emily Ruston and Jenny Hutton did an enlightening presentation on deconstructing the revisions letter which I found very useful as they gave examples of what an editor may say and then explained what they actually mean.

The Gala dinner was perfect on Saturday night, the dining room was transformed with pink lights lighting up the plinths. What I love about the booky people I've met is that they really know how to have a good time and we did.

On Sunday I was meant to go to a dialogue workshop but instead I found myself sitting at the breakfast table with lovely agent Kate Nash who gave me an insight into her world and also discussed my work with me which I thought was an amazing thing to happen.

Fiona Harper explained how to build characters from the inside out in her session, she showed us examples from her own book. I found this so interesting and useful and have requested the handout that Fiona kindly offered.

A panel then followed called how can I help? Which was chaired by Alison May and included from left to right, Julia Silk (agent MBA), fellow blogger Debbie Johnston who blogs at Brook Cottage Books and also organises blog tours as JB Johnston and Julia Williams (editor, Harlequin Mills and Boon).

As if this whole conference wasn't brilliant enough already I found that the people I was with made it even more memorable, I was able to spend time with friends I've known for a couple of years and meet new amazing friends that made this weekend the most fun I've ever had. I'd heard about the kitchen parties but never expected to be invited to Milly Johnson's one! Special thanks for making me laugh so much go to Milly, Debbie Johnston, Chrissie Bradshaw (winner of last year's Elisabeth Goudge competition- pictured), Lynda Stacey and Jenni Keer and I would like to give special thanks to Heidi Swain for her positive encouragement and she has permission to say 'I told you so.' I've come away from there with so much to think about.
Chrissie Bradshaw ready to
hand over the Elisabeth Goudge
trophy to 2017 winner,
Immi Howson.

Back row- Milly, Lynda, Me
Front Row- Chrissie and Debbie

If anyone is hesitant about going to the conference in the future then my advice is to just go for it otherwise you'll really miss out on the best time. See you in Leeds next year.
I would like to say a huge thank you for all of those who organised it so brilliantly.

Book Angel x

The Breakdown by B.A Paris

‘A psychological page-turner’ – Good Housekeeping

If you can’t trust yourself, who can you trust?

It all started that night in the woods.
Cass Anderson didn’t stop to help the woman in the car, and now she’s dead.
Ever since, silent calls have been plaguing Cass and she’s sure someone is watching her.
Consumed by guilt, she’s also starting to forget things. Whether she took her pills, what her house alarm code is – and if the knife in the kitchen really had blood on it.
Bestselling author B A Paris is back with a brand new psychological thriller full of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat.

Title: The Breakdown
Author: B.A Paris
Published By: HQ
Publication Date: 9th Feb
Links: UK:  Amazon   US: Amazon

Our Review

Cass Anderson is on her way home one night during a storm and is warned by her husband not to take a certain shortcut as it was too dangerous. However she is more scared of the storm and wants to get home quicker so takes the shortcut anyway and sees a woman in a car which is parked in a layby. She tries to stop to offer to help but becomes scared incase it's a trap and goes home. The next day she is horrified to find that the woman has been murdered but feels she can't tell anyone as her husband had specifically told her not to go that way. The longer she doesn't tell the police the more scared she becomes and eventually she is eaten up with guilt because she  feels that the woman would still be alive if she'd stopped to help.
As if this problem isn't bad enough she has also been incredibly forgetful and suspects that like her mother she is developing early onset dementia, this is incredibly upsetting for her and instead of confiding in her husband Matthew she tries in vain to cover up the ever worsening symptoms.
I really liked Cass as a character but felt she got herself into a lot of trouble by trying to hide things.
When she visited the doctor with her symptoms and was prescribed the medication I really felt for her as she felt that her situation was hopeless.
The book was gripping all the way through and the fear of the journey home at the beginning was almost tangible.
I would like to say I guessed who did it but really I guessed three people and it was one of those.
It was a cleverly woven psychological thriller which got the adrenaline running as I read it.
This is the second book I've enjoyed from this author and I'm eagerly anticipating the third.

Book Angel x

About the Author 

B A Paris is the internationally bestselling author of Behind Closed Doors, her debut novel. She was brought up in England and moved to France where she spent some years working in Finance before re-training as a teacher and setting up a language school with her husband. They still live in France and have five daughters. Her second novel, The Breakdown is out now.

Follow B A on Twitter @BAParisAuthor

Thursday 13 July 2017

Author Q & A Sue Moorcroft

‘Effortlessly engaging…a magical must!’ Heat

The #1 bestselling author returns for summer! Grab your sun hat, a cool glass of wine, and the only book you need on holiday…

In theory, nothing could be better than a summer spent basking in the French sun. That is, until you add in three teenagers, two love interests, one divorcing couple, and a very unexpected pregnancy.

Admittedly, this isn’t exactly the relaxing holiday Leah Beaumont was hoping for – but it’s the one she’s got. With her sister Michele’s family falling apart at the seams, it’s up to Leah to pick up the pieces and try to hold them all together.

But with a handsome helicopter pilot staying next door, Leah can’t help but think she might have a few distractions of her own to deal with…

A glorious summer read, for you to devour in one sitting - perfect for fans of Katie Fforde, Carole Matthews and Trisha Ashley.

Title: Just for the Holidays
Author: Sue Moorcroft
Published By: Avon
Publication Date: 18th May 2017
Links: UK: Amazon   US: Amazon

Author Q & A

We are to delighted to welcome Sue to the blog today.

Welcome to Sincerely Book Angels.

Thank you for inviting me over!

What was the inspiration behind this novel?
I had dinner with a friend and she told me about the holiday from hell she’d just been on! I asked if I could use some of her story as a jumping-off point for the book – and she said yes! Just for the Holidays was born.

Did you always want to be a writer?

Pretty much since I realised someone had to create the words that went between the covers of books, yes. I toyed with the idea of journalism at school but when I realised I had to stay and get more qualifications I gave up on the idea. I missed out on another opportunity later, too, but my heart lies with fiction so it was a blessing in disguise.

What other jobs have you had?
My first job out of college was as a secretary in a bank and that was actually my only ever full-time proper job. I’ve worked part-time for Motor Cycle News, a digital pre-press and as a bookkeeper. When I was at school I worked on Saturdays in a butcher’s shop. Being a mum took up a lot of my time.

How did it feel when your first novel was published?
Amazing! Uphill All the Way was published by Transita in 2004 and I went onto their stand at the London Book Fair. They put the first copy in my hands and I welled up. Everyone on the stand signed it for me and I still have that copy on my shelf. By the time I sold that book I’d also sold 87 short stories and a serial but that book was something special.

Please tell us a little about your publishing story.

As I felt I’d missed the boat with journalism I decided that while I was working only part-time while the children were small would be a good time to try and get fiction published. I wrote two novels, which are now in landfill sites somewhere and I’m glad! They were not of a good standard. Then I began a course and decided I’d follow advice in a handbook written by the late Nancy Smith and try and get short stories published to prove to the editors of novels that I could pass quality control. Teaching short story writing just sprang naturally from having sold a lot to magazines and it led to teaching in all kinds of places, including in Italy, France, America and Dubai, and writing the actual courses. I’ve cut hard back on the teaching now in order to fulfil my present two-book-a-year contract. Securing representation from Juliet Pickering of Blake Friedmann was a big turning point. Getting the right agent for you can be crucial.

What other books have you written?

Uphill All the Way, Starting Over, All That Mullarkey, Want to Know a Secret? (Family Matters in hardback), Love Writing, Love & Freedom, Dream a Little Dream, Is This Love?, The Wedding Proposal and The Christmas Promise, plus a novella, Darcie’s Dilemma. There are other ‘books’ out but the began life as magazine serials so they’re really novella-length sweet romance ebooks.

Have you ever had writer's block? If so how did you overcome it?
I can’t really afford writers’ block! Inspiration is an empty bank account, as Mickey Spillane said. If something I’m writing turns to treacle I do some research or I hop on to another scene, write blog posts etc. There’s always something to do. Sometimes I talk the issue over with another writer, my agent or my editor. Then, hopefully, the treacle will thin.

What motivates you to keep writing?
I just feel a compulsion to write. I love it, even when it’s hard work. Also, I don’t want to have to go and get a proper job.

Where is your favourite place to write? (can we please have a picture)

My study, in silence. It’s very messy but I know where everything is …

Do your characters moods ever affect your mood and vice versa?

Yes, I sometimes well up when I’m giving someone a hard time. I don’t think my mood affects theirs, though. I can’t remember that happening.

What three pieces of advice would you give to an aspiring writer?


Educate yourself in publishing as well as writing

Don’t make enemies

Which authors inspire you?
There are so many! I like to read in roughly the area I write (except for Formula 1 books – they’re an added extra) and sometimes the opposite happens. I don’t get inspired, I just think, gloomily, that X has written something so good I’ll never match it. But I try anyway.

What are you reading at the moment?

Fast Track by Julie Garwood

If your book was made into a film what song would you choose for the opening credits?
I don’t want to change you by Damien Rice

Who would you choose to play your favourite character in the film of your book?

Michael Fassbender would play Ronan. I think he’d quite like to be a helicopter pilot. In actual fact, the picture I had in my head of Ronan was singer-songwriter Frank Turner but without the beard. Who knows? Maybe he can act too?

What is your next book about?
Give Me Till Christmas comes out later this year and is set in ‘my’ village of Middledip. Alexia is project managing the refurbishment of a pub to make it a community café when someone runs off with all the money, which has an impact not just personally but professionally. Ben is just getting divorced and has come to live on the edges of Middledip to recover. They have a bit of an encounter and everything goes downhill from there.

And now think about the books you've read and just give the first one that comes into your head for our quickfire 'Which book round.'
A Town Like Alice by Nevil Shute

Which book has made you:

Laugh out loud?
Magnus Mills’s first book. I’m not absolutely sure of the title but it was black humour.

Cry your heart out?
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (but that was a while ago!)

Want to read it again?
Gone too Far by Suzanne Brockmann

Think more?

The Velvet Cloak of Moonlight by Christina Courtenay

Wish it would be made into a film?

Anything by Sue Moorcroft

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty

Thanks again for inviting me onto your lovely blog!
Thanks for joining us Sue and good luck with the book.

Book Angel x

About the Author

Best-selling author Sue Moorcroft writes contemporary fiction with occasionally unexpected themes. The Christmas Promise rose to #1 in the Amazon Kindle chart; The Wedding Proposal, Dream a Little Dream and Is this Love? were all nominated for Readers’ Best Romantic Read Awards and Darcie’s Dilemma for Readers’ Best Short Romance. Love & Freedom won the Best Romantic Read Award 2011 and Dream a Little Dream was nominated for a RoNA in 2013. Sue’s a Katie Fforde Bursary Award winner, a past vice chair of the RNA and editor of its two anthologies.

Sue also writes short stories, serials, articles and writing ‘how to’. 

Sue’s next book: Just for the Holidays




Facebook author page:

Twitter @suemoorcroft



Instagram: suemoorcroftauthor


Take Five Authors:

Author Q & A with Estelle Maher

Is our life dictated by us, fate or divine intervention? On her way home from the office, thirty-year-old Grace Hammond stumbles across a tramp named Crowley who is found dead in her village the following day. Crowley soon returns to Grace looking for her help so he can cross over.  He just needs to complete a task that will have a positive effect on her life. Unfortunately, neither knows where to start! Help comes in the form of her landlord, her elderly neighbour, her gay best friend, a good looking American and Frank Sinatra! Can Grace help Crowley be with his family? Can she get her own life back on track?

Title: Grace and the Ghost
Author: Estelle Maher
Published By: Createspace
Publication Date: 24th March
Links: UK: Amazon   US: Amazon 

Author Q & A

Hi Estelle and welcome to Sincerely Book Angels blog.

What was the inspiration behind this novel?
Grace and the Ghost is about a young woman who is haunted by a man who she briefly met when he was alive. His name is Crowley and he has been given the task of picking someone and doing something that will have a positive effect on their life. He cannot move on until the task is complete. I was inspired to write the novel as I’ve always been deeply interested in the spiritual side of life and death. I've had numerous experiences throughout life which have always made me believe there is more to life than being born and dying. Whist our physical vessel may die, I’ve always questioned what happens to the energy inside - the energy that makes us the person that we are. That has to go somewhere, right?

Did you always want to be a writer?
I've always dreamed of being able to dedicate a lot of time to writing. Remote cottages and windswept beaches always featured heavily in my dreams. I like to think I'm moody like Hemingway but my friends pin me more as a Barbara Cartland! I have actually been writing on and off since I was a teenager - scribbling on flock wallpaper covered exercise books etc. In my thirties I had a go at writing a novel but babies, life and more excuses came my way. I then started a little holiday blog a few years back and more recently another regular blog which meant for the first time I was actually getting feedback on my writing. It was all really positive and encouraged me greatly. Then, one day, I sat back in my chair at work and thought 'there has to be more to my life than this'. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't unhappy I was just unfulfilled. I then drove home one night and Crowley, the ghost, popped into my head and he wouldn't go away. He was always tipsy and nagging me to write his story!

What other jobs have you had?
All kinds of office work but mainly in insurance. My first Saturday job was in a chocolate shop and I sometimes wish I was still there. I also ran my own childminding business when my children were small. They were fun years and I was super thin from all the running around!

How did it feel when your first novel was published?
When I finished writing Grace and the Ghost, I closed my laptop and cried. I couldn't stop and still really don't understand why I cried so hard. I called my husband and sobbed to him when I realised I couldn't calm myself down after nearly an hour. Being published and having a physical book is surreal. To see it sitting on my son’s bedside table every time I go in his bedroom to scoop up his dirty washing is very strange!

Can you please tell us a little about your publishing story.
I tried to go through the traditional route and was offered a publishing contract but the terms didn't feel right for me. I was getting a bit disheartened until a friend said, 'why do you need someone else to tell you if you're book is good enough for people to read?'. He was right of course and so that’s when I decided to self-publish. At first it all felt rather intimidating but then through a friend I was introduced to my editor, Sue Miller of Team Author UK. Without her I'd still be muttering about ISBN numbers and acceptable fonts! I could not have done anything without her. She introduced me to a network of people who could help me in every sense. Cover designers, web designers, book shop owners etc. You need all these people to help you. I could never have done it on my own!

Have you ever had writer's block? If so how did you overcome it?
I never felt like giving up when I was writing Grace and the Ghost nor did I get writer’s block - the book literally fell on the pages. My original manuscript was so huge I think someone has shredded it and sold it to Ikea for mattress stuffing!

What motivates you to keep writing?
I know it sounds strange but my characters motivate me. If I don't write for a while I can hear them nagging in my head. It’s a bit like when you put pause on the Sky box and it starts to annoy you after a while.

Where is your favourite place to write?
We have a small den in our house which is the room we had fun decorating. Nothing matches and anything goes. The settees are big, old and squashy. Lovely for settling into a days writing.

Do your characters moods ever affect your mood and vice versa?
Without a doubt. I had to kill a character off in Grace & The Ghost and I became depressed for a couple of days. I could see my family all looking at me rather shiftily around the dinner table all wondering what was wrong with me. They were relieved when I said that I had to kill a lovely character off and that made me more upset as they didn’t understand. Looking back, it's quite amusing but it just shows you how much you get involved with the people in your book.

What three pieces of advice would you give to an aspiring writer?
1) Thinking about the end goal was too big for my little brain to process, so I took a stepping stone approach. I think this is really important as a writer. Let your idea develop and write what comes from your gut more than your head. 

2) Once it's written, go back and read again. 

3) Give it to a couple of really honest friends for feedback. Surround yourself with positive people as well. I had a few people along the way who thought my dream was impossible. The only thing that limits us is ourselves so don't let other people help you along that negative path.

Which authors inspire you?
With the exception of Terry Pratchett, I read books very different to mine. I love glamour books with bitches, money and powerful men. I grew up watching Dallas and Dynasty so still need my eighties fix now and again from Barbara Taylor Bradford and Jackie Collins. Most of the time though I tend to read biographies, especially old Hollywood stars.

What are you reading at the moment?
My friend who is also a fellow author has written a great series of books called the Mineran Series. I'm reading the first one and it's fast paced. It's very different from what I normally read but it's good to get out of your comfort zone sometimes.

If your book was made into a film what song would you choose for the opening credits?
Ghosts That We Knew by Mumford & Sons.

Who would you choose to play your favourite character in the film of your book?
My favourite character is Kate Mortimer. She's a cantankerous old American with a quip for everything. Mostly barbed in her delivery but everyone loves her. Dead or alive it would have to be Bette Davis but if they have to be alive I'd be very happy with Shirley MacLaine.

What is your next book about?
I'm currently writing a second book, called Angel's Rebellion. Two characters from Grace & The Ghost are in the second book. It's not a sequel as such, you don't have to read Grace to understand Angel's. 

My next book Angel's Rebellion is based in Heaven. Crowley, from my first book, has been promoted and is trying to find his feet in his new role as a spiritual guide. But a group of angels are not happy at their 'unappreciated interventions' so plan to reveal the truth to all on Earth. Crowley and his friends are trying to limit the damage to faith and human beliefs on Earth. It sounds heavy but hopefully the reader will laugh as much as they did with Grace & The Ghost.

And now think about the books you've read and just give the first one that comes into your head for our quickfire 'Which book round.'

Which book has made you:

Laugh out loud?
Adrian Mole – all of them, Sue Townsend

Cry your heart out?
PS I Love You,Cecila Aherne

Want to read it again?
Twopence to Cross the Mersey, Helen Forrester

Think more?
The Soul's Code, James Hillman

Wish it would be made into a film?
The Discworld books, Terry Pratchett

Small Island, Andrea Levy

Bless The Child, Cathy Cash Spellman

Thanks so much for joining us Estelle and good luck with the book.

Book Angel x

About the Author

Estelle Maher was born in the heart of Liverpool, England. After spending her teens in rural Dorset, she returned to the North of England and now resides in Wirral with her husband, 2 children and 2 dogs.

Her career has been varied, working in shipping, insurance and finance. But in her spare time, she’s quite at home with a paint brush upcycling furniture. She also writes a blog in her spare time, The Secret Diary of A Middle Aged Woman, a humorous snapshot of random thoughts.

Estelle has been writing on and off for a number of years and writing the blog was her first step in writing for an audience that was wider than her and her husband.

However, throughout her life, Estelle has experienced lots of ‘inexplicable moments’ which inspired her first debut novel, Grace & The Ghost.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

Don't Close Your Eyes by Holly Seddon

Robin and Sarah weren't the closest of twins. They weren't even that similar. But they loved each other dearly. Until, in the cruellest of domestic twists, they were taken from one another.

Now, in her early 30s, Robin lives alone. Agoraphobic and suffering from panic attacks, she spends her days pacing the rooms of her house. The rest of the time she watches - watches the street, the houses, the neighbours. Until one day, she sees something she shouldn't...

And Sarah? Sarah got what she wanted - the good-looking man, the beautiful baby, the perfect home. But she's just been accused of the most terrible thing of all. She can't be around her new family until she has come to terms with something that happened a long time ago. And to do that, she needs to track down her twin sister.

But Sarah isn't the only person looking for Robin. As their paths intersect, something dangerous is set in motion, leading Robin and Sarah to fight for much more than their relationship...

Title: Don't Close Your Eyes
Author: Holly Seddon
Published By: Corvus
Publication Date: 6th July
Links:   UK: Amazon     US: Amazon

My Review

Omg what a book. I read it in a day and was carried along by the amazing twists and turns that took my breath away. really did not see them coming.

The book is about twin girls Sarah and Robin who have a perfectly happy childhood until their parents make friends with another family which throws everything into chaos.

Decisions are made which tear the families apart and their lives change dramatically.  Then the consequences come back to haunt them in later life.

The story switches from present day to various times in their past and eventually we find out what happens through both of their points of view.

The characters are extremely complex and believable, the author handles the various subjects responsibly and with great sensitivity.

I don't want to say too much about the plot as it's best to read it fresh so you can feel the shock as each twist slams into you.

I really enjoyed the sub plot too which involved Robin's neighbourhood which I felt reminded me of the film Rear Window and also The Girl on the Train.

I highly recommend this high quality psychological thriller which is completely different from the rest.

Thanks to Holly Seddon and Corvus for the Arc which I've reviewed voluntarily.

Book Angel x

About the Author

Holly Seddon is a full time writer, living slap bang in the middle of Amsterdam with her husband James and a house full of children and pets. Holly has written for newspapers, websites and magazines since her early 20s after growing up in the English countryside, obsessed with music and books.

Her first novel TRY NOT TO BREATHE was published worldwide in 2016 and became a national and international bestseller.

Her second novel DON'T CLOSE YOUR EYES will be published in July 2017.

Sunday 9 July 2017

My Favourite Things by TA Williams, Author

Food Savoury and sweet

It’s such a pity crisps (or potato chips as I believe they are known across the Atlantic) are so full of evil things - fat, sugar and murky life-shortening chemicals. I love them, especially with a drink (see below)

As for sweet stuff, I’m lucky I don’t really have a very sweet tooth, but my all time favourite is what the French call Iles Flottantes - those amazing blobs of soft meringue floating in custard. Yum.


Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not an alcoholic, but I do like wine and beer. My favourite is probably a little known French white called Menetou Salon (a close neighbour of Sancerre). It’s crisp, dry and goes wonderfully with crisps (see above). It’s difficult to find so a good Chablis makes an excellent replacement.


I like lots of films but I suppose it has to be Casablanca – the all time best romance ever made. And if I’m in the mood for humour, Get Shorty with the wonderful Gene Hackman.


I have to confess to a deep and lasting love of the James Clavell sagas of the orient: Shogun, Tai Pan etc. These books have everything (mind you, they also manage to fill over a thousand pages each).


Difficult. There are so many. It probably has to be Hemingway. I think For Whom the Bell Tolls is amazing.


Thomas Cromwell in Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall. Strong, tough, bright and unexpectedly caring (unless you get on the wrong side of him).


These questions are getting harder and harder. But, seeing as I’m old, it has to be something ancient and a bit out of the ordinary, so I’m going to plump for Dire Straights, Private Investigations. I even wrote a thriller years ago whose title comes from a line in there – Race Between the Lights - and never published. Note to self – dig it out and take another look at it.

Holiday destination

Long haul: definitely Japan. I used to go there every year on business and I love the place. Closer to home, rural inland southern Spain is terrific as well.


Black Labrador, no question. There’s one in almost all my books.


My wife, Mariangela. We’ve been together now for 41 years. Not bad, eh?

Place to write

My study only. I write on my desktop computer surrounded by scruffy bits of paper covered in scribbled notes.


Spring. I hate, loathe and detest the months of November and December, but from about mid January onwards I start brightening up and by Easter I’m a happy bunny once more.


This is a really difficult question to answer. There are so few traditions remaining intact these days. How about kissing under the mistletoe?

Inspirational quote

I’m not sure if it’s an attributable quote, but I like the sentiment: At the end of your life you regret the things you didn’t do more than the things you did.

Thing in the whole world

A black Labrador would have to be pretty high up on my list, but it has to be my daughter in the first thirty seconds of her life. She opened her eyes, checked us out, decided there was no point in crying so she closed her eyes and went to sleep. It’s an amazing thing to see something you’ve created come to life – a bit like getting a book published really…

A few lines about myself:

I am 68 years old and I live in a little Devon village with my Italian wife. I only got my first publishing deal when I was in my sixties. So the message I bring is to never give up. Keep on writing and you will achieve success. Writing to me is like a drug – I have to write and I get great pleasure from writing. If my books bring pleasure to my readers then that’s even better.

Thanks for joining us today on My Favourite Things

Book Angel x